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% Share for first employees

Every situation that I’ve read on “how to share equity/stock to first employees in a startup” has some type of capital (money) raised.

Say that there is no capital (so salary in this case is out of the question, since there is no money raised, it means that they are working for free), Say that the founder found some way to bring them aboard. These people are working part-time.

How much equity should they get in this case where they are taking some risks but not as much as the Founder?

I’ve seen some model where 15% in the company shares is dedicated to give its current employees and also the future ones (excluding CEO or temporary employees such as counselors etc.). So here out of 15%, how much these first non-salary group gets? (future employees will have a low risk since they’ll have a salary )

When it comes to calculate the % of shares that these already on board employees: (some of these point below are taking from the Grunt Equity Model)

Answer 13355

My question what if you don’t have capital (salary is out of the question, since there is no money raised), they are working for free ?

Then they are a founder, no ifs or buts. If you don’t want a cofounder, launch it yourself and earn enough to pay an employee. If you cannot, then either find investors or a cofounder.


Answer 13384

From how I have seen, the history of shares is

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