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Choose back end stack to quickly start up Saas/Social web app

I’m a self occupied front end developer as of now. That basically means that i’m pretty confident about HTML, CSS and JS (e.g. vanilla JS, jQuery/UI, and some Angular). Now i’ve decided to start my first very own project, which means i need to choose relevant stack of technologies and learn it quite well.

I’ve been googling around for this and that, and narrowed down to choose between RoR or Python + Django. This goes along with my list of requirements:

  1. I’m not feeling that well about classic static typed compiled languages like Java or C++ and go respectively.
  2. I now close to nothing about back end, workflow of back end development and deploy. I know basic concepts such as http protocol, MVC model and SQL databases, but it’s all kinda couch expertise, cause i’ve never had a chance to get my hands dirty about that.
  3. I prefer to learn technology that is competetive on job market so that i could later become more of Full Stack Developer, or even switch to back end entirely.
  4. I need technology so that i can hit the market with my MVP as soon as in couple of month. Taking into account that i’ll be working alone on whole back end thing maybe with a couple of people helping me with UI/UX and overall look of the app/site we’ll be building.

Given that, i had to discard dated technologies with low job market profile like (PHP) or overall too difficult technologies like Java or Go (cause thay require much more expertise just to get started).

What would you suggest?

Answer 13336

I think you’ve already done some good rational narrowing down on the assumption that you will write the first MVP. Both RoR and Python/Django are popular enough in general that you would find other developers to grow your product if successful. And also both reasonable fallbacks for you to work for someone else. If you cannot see a preference from a quick look at the languages and frameworks themselves, you may as well toss a coin . . .

There are a couple of other things worth looking at, provided investigating them does not take too long and cause decision paralysis:

Answer 13345

You mention familiarity with JS, possibly strong familiarity since Angular etc is also in your arsenal. So, why not stick with JS for your back-end too and leverage that with a node.js solution?

Answer 13339

If you are confident with HTML/CSS/JS but do not want to deal with backend technologies to much (or even at all), you might try a headless (API-based) cms approach combined with a cloud service. Thereby, you get an interface for editing the data underlying your app for free, while you can focus on rendering the data as you like using common frontend technologies.

Such a system is, for example, Storyblok. Hope it helps.

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