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What marketing channel should I use?

I’m selling VPN accounts from years, but lately the rules changed in my country I can’t sell offline anymore, So these days I’m searching around to find new market a small niche that no one before reach it.

I have two strategies:

I have two channels here:

My problem is: I tired facebook ads for a week, I tired different kind of words and different kind of ways, there is no selling at all! the audience is too big, I pay a lot to reach people who interesting to buy something to protect them! Am I using the wrong channel for my service?!

Answer 13315

You sound like you’ve some degree of sampling bias: what users in Turkey crave after does not necessarily correspond to what users in the US crave after.

Based on your answer, you seem to be targeting just about every user at random, which is poor segmentation.

You need to instead locate niches where users are a) privacy/anonymity conscious that b) actually care enough about it to put money forward for a VPN connection and c) not technical oriented enough to set one up themselves or have a tech-savvy acquaintance do so for them. (Assuming you have any, the easiest way to locate them is to ask your existing clients who they are and try to identify patterns.)

Focus on those niches rather than on the general public which, frankly, either doesn’t care that much about privacy in practice because “nothing to hide” or does care more or less in theory but can’t be bothered or has no idea of how to sort this out on their own in practice.

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