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Register my website name worldwide

I have set up a website and I want to register (make a copyright) the website name worlwide. I tried to look at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) with its Madrid agreement but I live in Canada and Canada is not a member of this agreement. I have a domain name in .com and I know that it is not enough because some one else may use my website name or even use another domain with the same name like

Please what shoul I do?

Answer 13288

Some things to consider first:

My advice to you is to maintain your .com, get a .ca as it seems it’s your principal place of business and whichever domains your main and largest markets are. If you have a strong local presence in some country (office, a lot of customers), do get a domain there, but focus your marketing and publicity efforts on .com so it becomes essential part of the brand. Then your primary markets won’t even associate you with their local TLD’s and that’s that.

From my experience, .com is plenty enough. You can optionally get some registrations in countries you know you will have very substantial presence in. If this really becomes a problem at some point (domain squatters), you will probably have enough manpower and cash to deal with this anyway.

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