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Can I use a Companies logo, name and products if they no longer exist?

I’m currently working on a small tycoon style of game. I will release the game for free.

It is a vehicle tycoon kind of game and one of the companies I would like to use is AEC (Associated Equipment Company) Since they have been closed since 1979 could I use its logo, name and products?

Answer 13174

Short answer is nope: it’s still their intellectual property unless a) the relevant copyright expired and b) they haven’t been dutifully renewing other rights such as trademarks. The first hasn’t expired, seeing that it’s 1979 and copyright in the US seems to last forever. Don’t be on the second.

What you can do ask for permission. For all you know they won’t care or will happily sell the trademark or IP or whatever you need for a small sum.

Alternatively, find another name and differentiate.

Answer 13178

Nope you can’t use their logo. Unless you get a written permission from the authority who has rights of the logo. Or just buy the brand that owns the logo. :-P

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