Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How to predict deadline with high accuracy?

Meeting deadlines can be hard. And the reason for it being hard is that we either overestimate or underestimate the time required to deliver a product or service during pre-order. So how do start-ups actually predict perfectly when is the right time to set a deadline?

Answer 13169

I agree with my peers up here that, Startups probably never meet their deadlines because of unforeseen events that always happen. That being said here’s the technique I use to try to be as precise as possible.

Break down the whole process from A to Z into steps you have to achieve.


  1. Make a Business Plan
  2. Submit for financing
  3. Recruit team
  4. etc.

Then break these steps into smaller steps…

Submit for financing:

  1. Make a list of all the potential Venture Capital firms
  2. Prepare paperwork to submit
  3. Follow up
  4. etc.

Then put it all in an Excel Spreadsheet with clear sections and sub-sections. and then try to evaluate as much as possible the time it will take to accomplish every single step on your plan. put a time frame next to every small task you put on it. Then add a completion date right next to the time you plan it will take to accomplish each task.

Add the timeframe column and you should have a pretty good idea when your deadline will be.

As you go trough your launch, you can check if you are meeting the small deadlines one by one on your plan, and it will let you know if you are on track, or if you are late on your program!

Hope this helps.

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