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Whats the step by step process of getting visa and permission to register a Startup in Silicon Valley as EU citizen?

Lets assume you found an investor in the valley. How does it work to get a Visa that lets you set up a company and register it etc. …

Hope someone could summarize.

Answer 13155

You don’t need a Visa to set up and register a company in the US. The only things you need in practice are a lawyer and an accountant.

There are plenty of options to incorporate. It’s usually done in Delaware, but also in Nevada, Florida, and other States.

What you may need is proof of residency of some sort to open an account, but if it applies to the State you’re incorporating in it’s trivial to work around: have your lawyer incorporate and create the account, then transfer it all to you.

(Aside: there’s an additional upside in incorporating in the US: should your investor ever sue, you’re better protected as a founder, in that a US investor will have hell collecting in Europe if you’re incorporated in the US instead of Europe.)

Answer 13196

There's a service to help you with this (not by me, neither am I affiliated with it). Have a look and see if this might be relevant to you. It's called Stripe Atlas. They help you with:

At the moment this costs $500. Hope this helps!

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