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SELL my app?! Where?

I’m not sure if this belongs to Startupd but it has to do with apps: for generating some capital for a bigger project, I’d like to sell one of my apps to another developer or a bigger company. I found online marketplaces like Fliptopia where I can sell it. My app has currently, after having been on the App Store for one month, 7500 Downloads, I had it for one week as paid application which generated 130$ in sales and 100$ in revenue. According to the prices on Fliptopia, I could ask for about 3000$ for that.

What do you think? Is this price realistic? And where would you try to sell your app? Because Fliptopia wants me to log in with my developer account, that seems kind of strange to me.

Answer 12953


As far as valuation goes - $3000 could be a realistic price, but with no track-record (i.e. your app has been out there for just one month) I doubt any of the buyers on these sites would offer that kind of money.

These people are mainly looking for passive income investments - they are not developers or companies so they don’t care about growing your app or its potential - they need solid passive moneymakers. And with no track-record you can’t make your case.

So perhaps try other venues - approach developers/companies of similar/related apps personally and see if they’d be willing to add your app to their portfolio. These would be people with knowledge in the market so they would be able to determine with better accuracy what your app is worth after only one month of being live.

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