Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Where do you find people with skills/knowledge

Are there any other places except freelance sites and LinkedIn to find people with skills/knowledge to hire, partner up, consult with, ask for mentoring, etc.?

Answer 12916

it depends on your needs and what type of skills you’re looking for. you’ll probably find better talents if you look inside their communities because that’s where they’re active the most.

for example if you need developers you can have a look at github, stackoverflow or coding challenges websites like hackerrank…

or if you’re looking for designers you can search in deviantart..

Answer 12917

As @makerGeek suggested, you can find skilled people on the websites they are likely to frequent. One could add Kaggle and Cross-Validated, for data scientists, per example.

Another resource could be F6S which is very valuable for startups (loads of resources, the competition they list are a lot of opportunities to meet people related to many businesses...)

Answer 12920

If you are looking for partners with partucular skills you can go to

If your looking for people to hire there are some good sites as suggested above, it also pays exeptionally to have a good network. There is always a guy who knows a guy. Old professors or supervisors at universities or contacts at a tech company nearby will be very helpful. Sometimes it even pays off to post in a studentforum and offer a bit of money for students with skills. It very much depends on what you are looking for.

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