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Licensing broker or self Licensing?

I wanted to know the best method to licensing an product. Should i complete it on my own. I’m new to this “Kind of” and understand how it works and the process and steps i should take. But i am being told i should go to a broker. What. Is the advantages to having a broker? I heard some companies only work through brokers is this true?

Personally i won’t mind doing it myself as a broker can get pretty expensive upfront.

Answer 12870

Even with your further explanations, your question is still unclear, but I’ll make some assumptions.

I assume this is a patent license because I can’t think of any other type of license that is relevant to an auto part. I also assume that you are seeking to get a license from someone else (as opposed to giving someone else a license).

If that is the case, then the person granting the license will draft the license agreement so you don’t need someone to do that for you.

You will need someone to help you review the license and perhaps negotiate some of the terms. I’ve never heard of a “license broker,” but in the U.S., at least, it is illegal for a non-attorney to practice law, so you need an attorney to help you.

Patent licenses are very complicated so doing it yourself is a very bad idea.

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