Startups Stack Exchange Archive

List of free/no-restrictions websites to publish your startup

I would like to build a list of Websites where you can promote your startups, without restrictions and for free.

I am a solo developer and my time is very limited, I found out that some websites like Reddit and ProductHunt have many restrictions and they are used mostly by developers.. so not very useful..

I am thinking of publishing the app in other websites, even if they are not about startups and I would like to build a list of potential websites where to promote an App..

for example if you have an app about dogs you can think about

for my case, I should target people that want to build an app or website..

For ex. I tried the subreddit reddit/r/startups but it has some restrictions (I do not have enough reputation) … so I think is better to target a more wide range of websites..

Would be good making a big list of information that can keep editing/updating

Thanks Fabrizio

Answer 12738

On it’s face, such a list sounds like a good idea. The problem would be keeping it current or valid. Due to the ephemeral nature of the Web, any such list would eventually have a lot of dead links, and links to sites that, while still active, have changed their rules, and therefore, no longer qualify for the list.

I think a better approach would be for the principals of the start up to do their own research and find the sites that meet their needs, and would be best for their target market. Such and approach enhances the startup’s market research, and increases the chance of success for the startup more than an random listing collected by others, which may not even be a good fit for their business model, their market, or their product.

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