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How can I make sure my site stays the same on ALL browsers?

Some friends using Safari have alerted me that on my new web application “Create Account” page, the form is not completely visible because the footer overlaps it. Is there any kind of one time fix for all browsers?

Answer 12712

There is no magic fix for this. Experienced front end devs will have learned what works and doesn’t work, usually for a list of supported browsers that the company wants to cover.

There are good resources to help you learn the details as you go, such as - but ultimately it will be down to good old “write once, test everywhere”.

Answer 12714

you can see how your site looks on different browsers using

Answer 12721

Yes You can Design site in responsive mode. You can use bootstrap as well. For resolution checks use Firefox or chrome to see your site in differnt resolutions as well as mobile view.

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