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Striking a balance between app customization and consistent branding

I’m developing an app, and part of the way it will spread is by other people seeing people use it in public places. (I don’t want to give away too many details yet!) I would like to let users customize the colors of the app. Obviously I can’t let them recolor EVERYTHING, as that will hurt brand recognition. For example, Twitter never changes its blue logo to purple, and YouTube never changes its red-and-black logo to green-and-yellow.

purple twitter logo?

My question is, how much of the app can I allow the user to change, as far as color and perhaps font, while still keeping the app recognizable? Are there popular apps that do this effectively?

Answer 12635

Does customizing the colors of the app a core functionality of the app? If not then drop it.

If you really need this feature and want to strike a balance a good way to do it is by letting users select from predefined skins.

A good example of this is day mode and night mode.

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