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How can I protect my idea when hiring external developers? (Location: INDIA)

Say, that I have a business idea that is potentially worth a lot (even though it is for a targeted audience), this idea is to be developed as an Android/iOS/website application. Now, I do possess some skill to create application prototypes in Android and HTML, but these prototype will not be as efficient or attractive or even function properly.

I want to hire a professional programmer to help me in creation of the prototype. What should my course of action should be if I want to safeguard my idea and at the same time get a programmer to work with me.

Answer 12627

Consult a legal advisor and prepare a “Non-Disclosure Agreement” between you and the app developer, stating that the project details are not to be shared with anyone without permission.

Answer 12629

don’t take it personal but through my startup experience what I have learnt is that no idea is new. And never feel like someone will steal your Idea. Because till now every idea in some or other form has been developed. The thing what matters in today’s world is your implementation. The more you talk about your idea more you will improve on it.

Here is a TED talk which might help you understand this concept.

Answer 12634

Don’t hire developers. Hire cofounders.

Show them your vision and the path to infinite riches.

When the incentives are higher to not steal code they won’t. They will be your trusted friend and ally.

This is the only way to truly protect your idea.

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