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Which software startups replaced their technology stack and why?

I am interested in which software startups you know that changed / replaced their technology stack drastically and what the motivation behind their decision was.

My question does not only refer to well-known software startups but also to smaller as well as failed ones.

Thanks so much!

Answer 12609

Two examples off the top of my head:

  1. Twitter shifted part of what they do to using Erlang from Ruby on Rails in their initial years because of performance reasons.

  2. Groupon initially developed and MVP using WordPress and were swift to replacing it once they secured investments, because the app was crumbling over the load.

That said, be wary of changing for the sake of changing. It’s one thing to cook up an MVP and move to another. It’s another to just rewrite from scratch without any real reason. Knowing your stack well also matters.

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