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If a member of an LLC resides in a different US state, do they require foreign qualificaiton?

I’m starting an LLC with one additional member. The LLC will be registered in my state. All bank accounts and other business related operations are located within my state. The business is primarily online transactions.

The other member resides in a different state. The member is a programmer and does all work remotely from home. In other words, they sit at home, type on the computer, then send me the files. They do not sell anything or make any transactions with clients.

Does the LLC have to attain “foreign qualification” because one member simply resides in a different state? What if the member resides in a different country, but is a US citizen?

The need for “foreign qualification” is black and white when it comes to a “store front” operation, but in todays remote/online world, the need for “foreign qualification” is gray and to me, sounds subjective. What is the best source to determine the need for “foreign qualification”?

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