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Where to turn to brainstorm about a concept and how to go about it?

Where to turn to brainstorm about a concept and how to go about it? The idea is very abstract so I would need to brianstorm which direction to go and how to go about it?

The concept is attempting to clean clothing without the usage of water or dry cleaning. I have some ideas but I would need to bounce them off those who understand science so I could see what might be a practical solution.

Where would one go from here?

Also, how to discuss the topic but also protect the idea in case it would be successful? Is this doable or is it an inherent risk?


Answer 12542

I believe you need to break your idea into segments of expertise. In your case it could be something like Fabric, Textile, Chemicals, Warehouse, Inventory, Customer Facing, Delivery management, Marketing etc. This will be an iterative list, you will end up making a lot of changes with time.

Analyse each segment you identify, evaluate your own clarity. After you start getting confident on what & how of these segments start comparing if it is an actual solution to already existing solutions or problems, make adjustments where required.

When you start taking this approach you will be able to precisely identify what you are expecting from recruitments, consultancy or partnership.

Most probably no one will steal your idea but if you take that insecurity into a meeting, it might bring some unfavourable consequence either in terms of leadership or someone actually stealing your idea; so it is extremely important for you to be confident about yourself and your idea.

You don’t have to share your idea to someone until you have their personality & interests figured out to some extent.

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