Startups Stack Exchange Archive

HTML Layout - License for Sass product

I was hoping that some developer could tell me the best website where to purchase and HTML Bootstrap Layout (preferably with AngularJS version) that would have a license allowing me to use it as a Sass product.

I would just host once the website on Heroku and ask for subscriptions payment from users.

Envato and Wrap Boostrap ask for and extended license.

This question is pretty important as there is no information online about marketplace that resell the layout for an affordable price and allow the commercial use, even if they state that commercial use is allowed, they will tell you that you have to purchase the Extended License.

Working with Layout is faster then working without it and can be great for launching the app in a couple of weeks.

Please tell me the best Stackexchange community where to migrate this issue, I thought maybe I should ask in WebApplications?

Thanks Best Regards Fabrizio Bertoglio

Answer 12480

Bootstrap itself is free for all uses including commercial use. I assume by "Layout", you mean a Bootstrap theme.

There are plenty of free Bootstrap themes available online, such as these:

The Wrap Bootstrap license is cheap for a single website. For example, this theme is only $19 for a single website, and you can use it commercially. You just can't resell the theme itself, which makes sense.

Answer 12488

I was able to find a layout at

The layout is free and has MIT license.

Other layouts are available at the following github page, it includes links to other layouts also. The most important thing is having the MIT License, as all other license may have some restriction. Additionally creative-time has a clear license for paid products. The developer License allows you to use it for Sass products

All content is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.