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How to sell direct advertisements for my website?

I am starting a new social networking website with a better idea. But I need direct advertisements to make that idea successful. How can I get direct advertisements to my website? Whom do I need to hire to get direct advertisements to my website by convincing advertisers with my idea?

Answer 12975

You need to focus first on the product and gaining a user base. Once you have data about site traffic, and possible a particular niche demographic, you need to approach potential ad buyers.

You could in theory hire someone to approach people for you if money allows but since it sounds like this is a very new business its better for you to grind out the revenue yourself.

I would really encourage you to read this entire article: This Is What Facebook's First Ads Looked Like.

Some important segments for you:

Around the time Zuckerberg gave the interview, his cofounder Eduardo Saverin took it upon himself to secure some small advertising deals for the site. "Saverin had begun selling a little advertising and had secured a few small contracts with companies that sold moving services, T-shirts, and other products to college students," according to The Facebook Effect, a deep dive into the history of Facebook by author David Kirkpatrick. "These ads began to appear in April."

If Facebook's ads were fairly basic, the company's pitch to advertisers was downright "primitive," according to Matt Britton, founder and CEO of the youth marketing agency Mr Youth (now known as MRY). Britton's company was one of earliest agencies to place ads on the social network and he worked directly with Saverin in late 2004.

"They really didn't understand online advertising," Britton told Mashable. "They didn't really understand the terminology of CPMs or how to sell digital ads in general "They didn't really understand the terminology of CPMs or how to sell digital ads in general, but they really understood their product and their audience."

For businesses like Britton's, which were interested in reaching a younger demographic, Facebook's poor ad pitch was overshadowed by its unprecedented ability to target students. As Britton puts it, "Before Facebook, there really wasn't a way to target college students specifically based on university."

Now keep in mind, in 2004 when the co-founder started grinding for ad sales they already had about a million users and by the end of 2005 that number went up to nearly 5 million users.


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