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How could one commercialize an automated reasoning system?

I’ve been experimenting with incorporating state of the art Artificial intelligence algorithms with traditional logic based reasoning systems and wanted to explore the commercial viability of such a product. What it does is that if you feed in text data it should basically be able to -

  1. Answer natural language questions even if they require some logical reasoning
  2. Come up with relevant information after carrying out an analysis by itself related to questions that the user has asked in the past.

Can anyone point me to potential applications that I should consider or industry that might find use for such a product?

Answer 12388

Law firms would probably pay good money if they could enter the facts of a case, and your A.I. could return relevant case law or even suggest approaches for arguing one side or the other.

In business, your system could (possibly) analyze a business plan and point out pitfalls or even missed opportunities.

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