My numbers are stuck. How to get more users?
- posted by: Lara on 2017-03-22
- tagged:
, user-acquisition
, user-engagement
- score: 4
Since I have launched my Startup - one month ago - I’m having an user acquisition rate of 23 new users per day. Ok, at least users are coming to my website, but not like I expected.
My startup connects freelance people with who needs their work. When the professionals activate their profile, we give them 5 credits to use and for every call of a customer, 1 credit is used.
My first problem, I have more freelance than customers. 80% - 20%.
So far, I have done some of growth hacking strategies:
- Invest in social media, as Facebook ads to attract more users;
- For every freelance that the customer hires on our website, he get part of the money back, so we have a “cash back” system as well;
- Our website has a rating system, customers can rate freelances. To help freelances to have a good rating, when he activates his profile, he can request from 5 friends a rating;
- On their profile they can insert photos, videos and description;
- They can share their profile on facebook;
- We have produced a video and it has more than 60k of views on Facebook;
For now on, of course I want to increase our numbers. I think the problem ins’t with the website itself, there are no critical bugs and we called to some customers to hear their opinion and the feedback was good.
Our rejection number on Google Analytics it’s ok, 34% and our returning visitor is more than 45%.
So, what you guys would recommend to do from now on? I have tried some strategies but I think is not enough yet. I want to have a curved line to the top :D
Thanks guys !
Answer 12562
- posted by: Marcus D on 2017-04-26
- score: 5
I think you need to analyse your data, so I'll answer your question, with a load more questions ...
- What is the ratio of freelancers : customers that you need to be workable?
- What is the minimum viable number of each that would make your system work?
Broadly, since the problem seems to lie with your customer acquisition, you need to understand the current mechanism that your current customers have been acquired.
Can you answer the following questions
- For each of your users, (80% freelancers / 20% Customer), what is their source? google ppc, facebook, referral, etc?
- For each of your Facebook video likes, How many of the 60k was by a customer? My suspicion is that it is very few.
- For your Facebook video likes, how many of these are current users?
- Of your 23 new users / day, how many are customers?
- How many of your users are 'active' on your site? Break this down by freelancers / customers and also broken down by number of minutes / day or number of pages browsed per day for each category.
- Build a few metrics on 'Active' users, based on number of days logged in each month or number of connections made, or something meaningful to your business.
- Understand the 'business demographic' of the customers that have signed up with you already, do some sort of cluster analysis to determine your 'sweet spot'.
An observation (which may not be valid), you seem to have built the platform around the ability for users to engage with each other, and from a freelancers point of view, this may be a good thing, but from a customer point of view, they probably just want to engage with a freelancer in an effective way.
Some ideas you could try (based on analysis above)
- Build a blog site and write related content that would be engaging to either customers/freelancers, then use social media to push the content out.
- Approach specific customers, either based on a recommendation from existing customers, or by targeting them.
- I'm sure you have already, but working on your USP, leverage this to target customers that will particularly benefit from your service
- Target the most successful acquisition channels to further acquire more
- Perform A-B testing on whatever places you try and acquire customers
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