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How do I stop myself from doing a startup?

I am Computer Information and Systems Engineer. When I was in University I tried a few startups one after the other and when I graduate I did not had student loans but startup debt. After some struggle I found a job and paid the debt and doing really good these days. I don’t want to do a startup. Not at all at this point in life. Maybe after 10 years but everyday something happens which pulls me back into doing a startup and launching my own company. How do I resist? My coworkers get irritated listening to my startup ideas and plans.

Reasons For Not Doing A Startup:

  1. I want to work for a big company like Google.
  2. I am not financially ready to make any financial blunder.
  3. I feel I don’t have enough expertise to develop my own product and manage a startup.
  4. Doctor has advised me to avoid stress related work.
  5. I almost dropped out of University while doing startups in University life.

Answer 12433

This isn't a great question for a forum designed for start-ups and entrepreneurs - it actually feels like a troll... but I'll indulge you anyway.

There are way more reasons for starting a start-up than for not. You're already coming up with reasons (or excuses) for why you shouldn't... although I'd argue the only valid point would be for medical reasons.

It's pretty easy to not start a business. Millions of people don't start their own businesses every day. If you're suggesting you're a serial entrepreneur, don't flatter yourself. Genuine entrepreneurs don't talk themselves out of ideas or products they believe in as easily as you have.

If you have some million dollar product ideas that you don't want to chase, I'm sure there are people on here that would be happy to take them off you.

Go and be a number within Google, don't take any risks, and then live your life knowing you didn't try. Good luck!

Answer 12434

Indeed a very vague question. But…some of my comments to you would be:

  1. Are you just intrigued by the idea of working for a startup? If so, maybe try and write down what it is that appeals to you. Maybe there are existing, stable businesses that can give you what you crave from a start up.

  2. There are thousands of startups put there. The vast majority go no where and incur significant finaciall loss. Ask yourself do your ideas, or those of a startup you’ve found really answer a business/consumer need. Often it just seems fashionable to say you work at a startup, or are a coder/programmer. But what is it your actually solving!?

  3. When you get tempted, just remember your own personal history and remind yourself that you are yet to succeed. I’m not saying that you never will, but as your question is geared towards preventing you from joining yet another startup, seriously question what it is your getting out of it.

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