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Same idea and same deliverable but one is registered and another is not

I have been working on this project for two months. With very minimal research. I am happy with what i have achieved and will continue to pursue further.

But late last week, I came across a company who is registered and have their MVP out and rolling. They have similar concept. They also have got some funding.

Now the product i am working on, only me and my friend knows. And the company already has their MVP out. Which means they should have already started with main-release prep.

Should I put my hand forward for collaboration(share) or should I stand against(competitors) the company?

Answer 12304

Clearly, the company has the first-mover advantage. And that plays a huge role and gives a significant edge when it comes to competition.

Should I put my hand forward for collaboration(share) or should I stand against(competitors) the company?

If your product has anything which does something significantly better than that other product, you'll always be playing catch-up with that company, and it wouldn't do any good to you or your product in any way. So, collaboration is the most sensible way forward in your scenario.

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