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E-Commerce Strategy, Perfecting the first product, building a reputation, and increasing sales

I am going to take a shot at E-Commerce and am willing to spend the time on doing it right. After my seemingly thorough research, it seems that there are a lot of software offerings out there that don’t work; and, that making a strong go of it on a small scale that starts slow is the only sure way to find success. Does anyone with significant experience feel the same way?

If not, what software would you suggest and how profitable have you been able to make it?

Thank you.

Answer 12284

I totally agree with your point that there are lot of softwares that are filled with glitches. Name me one software that doesnt have glitch!

You may embark on this journey as there are very less competitors to which you may wish to compare urself with. But do remember not all the softwares’ business goal is same. Their concept might be same but not their end goal.

As you have mentioned that you have done thorough research on the e-commerce platform, you need to dig into their business plan to know better insights.

In here I cannot be biased with the e-commerce that are available and working fine. You may wish to find one that is fitting your need.

For example: You need A, C, D, F features on to your platform, you will probably find a product that has most of this features.

Lastly, best wishes on ur new journey.

Answer 12291

I cannot tell you what product you should pursue but I can give you some advise. Based on personal experience with both success and many failures with ecommerce solutions, there have been a few things I have learnt along the way.

Be different

Creating something that is just like another product will literally get you nowhere. People who are searching for particular products compare them against each other. Being the “new guy” that has the same set of features as the product who has been around for years and has built reputation will get you no sign ups or purchases.

Be bold

Try new things. Introduce new features, features that your competition haven’t tried. There are always things you can do differently than your competitors. Brainstorm and get it done. Make these new features strong enough to be used as unique selling propositions.

Be genuine

Don’t copy. Don’t lie. Don’t be underhanded. Don’t advertise features you don’t have. Don’t break promises (refund policy). All of these will destroy your credibility and will completey nullify word of mouth marketing.

Provide top class, very quick support

This is incredibly important. Your software will always have a bug here or there. What is most important is that when your customes require help, you are there and ready and you provide helpful and quick answers in a friendly and professional manner. Getting this right will propel your word of mouth marketing better than anything else could. Make sure you focus a lot of time and budget on this.

don’t pursue a market that is too competitive

Don’t get involved in markets where there are too many players. It’s just simply not worth the effort. You could rather expend this energy on easier avenues and turn a bigger profit.

All the best with your endeavour!

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