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Equity in a StartUp

I am an iOS developer. I was approached by a StartUp which was interested in using my services to build them an app.

The StartUp already has 6 members. 2 of them are developers (web developers). The startup already has a website. At present non of the members are getting paid since the startup is just 1 year old and they do not make enough revenue.

I was offered 25% Equity in the startup.

My question is that should I be asking for some upfront money for the development of an iOS app. I am a senior iOS developer and my time is extremely important to me.

Should I ask for upfront money 5-10K for development of app and then update the app based on equity basis.

What kind of things people ask BEFORE they join a startup company. The founders of the startup are in their 20’s and I am in my late 30’s.

Any advice will be appreciated?

Answer 12082

There is no definitive answer. 25% equity could change your life or worth less than toilet paper. Ask yourself:

You may want to ask the following questions:

Notes from own experience (that might not apply to you, but …)

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