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Hire employee in another country

I’ve got a one man business in the US that is doing pretty well, and I am interested in hiring someone part time.

For a couple reasons, I would like to hire someone in Australia or New Zealand. First, to be able to respond to customers when I’m asleep, and second, my business has more relevance to these countries than many other countries.

How does a small business in the US go about hiring a part-time employee in Australia or New Zealand?

I’ll probably start with an independent contractor relationship, but if I find someone good, I’d like to have them be a proper employee.

Answer 11944

I can suggest starting with a company called Trinet - who has an international division. I’ve used them with mixed results, but it’s a good starting point. You can also Google other international HR firms (like RadiusWorldwide).

Answer 12019

You may want to use freelancer websites like UpWork to hire people in those locations. At least this will provide some protection for you based on not being familiar with the local employment laws.

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