Startups Stack Exchange Archive

I have a start-up idea.I am in high school.What should I do?

I am in high school and I have a start-up idea .What should I do.Should I start right away with my idea or I should first complete my higher studies and then work upon my idea. If I start right away please give me tips on how to face this situation.

Answer 11885

I have seen students being successful in their startups and making a lot of money. Especially in apps. You need to have a very good and unique idea. Plus you need to seek help from someone who is experienced so that you have a clear picture of how to go about it. I would recommend not to disclose your idea here. Please discuss this idea with someone you know, you trust. Also, you should not lose your focus on your studies when you are working on your startup idea. Do some research online, learn more about the market situation, market trends relevant to your idea and then make a plan of execution. All the best!

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