Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Is there a catalog of ideas for software startups where people vote for them?

Is there something like waiting list for ideas of software startups where people could vote for them. In this way, ideas are validated by future customers.

UPD: I am interested in ProductHunt-like platform. Kickstarter and Indiegogo require lots of preparation and very detailed project description where you already know how you will implement it.

Answer 12085

If anything has value, there is a marketplace for it, right?

In his article "Ideas for Startups", Paul Graham gives a theory for why there is no "idea" marketplace. He has a very good explanation: perhaps ideas have little value if any.

One of the problemas with ideas is that it is very hard to judge a good idea using common sense. I, for one, would pass on AirBNB: what a dumb idea, renting your house to a complete stranger or staying at some random stranger's home, who would do that?

Another problem is that few people are short of ideas. In fact, I think the problem of having too many ideas is much more common.

Ideas are not very important, execution is. That is why the crowdfunding websites listed in the other answer are not selling ideas: they are selling the promise of execution.

Answer 11884




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