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For a business named “Puppysky”, is it risky regarding to a probably offensive implication that the users/fans are “puppies”?

You know a good domain name is hard to find nowadays. This is actually a quite catchy name. However, the business is providing a platform that let people join and share and contribute thoughts and projects.

You know fans of brand A nowadays sometimes put negative labels on a group of fans of a brand B which they hate. So, would this business name make this even more easily happen?

Few people in quora say “calling a human as puppy could be offensive”. So if the business is named “puppysky”, will the users then start to be labeled as puppy? And, will that be risky that the users will get offended and make the company bad? If yes, this is a bad domain name, yea?

A positive example is that fans of Alan Walker say themselves as walkers, but that is intended and a great one.

Answer 11813

I think you are okay.

  1. No one is going to really think you are calling your users puppies.
  2. Many people would not mind being called puppies. Puppies are generally considered cute and cuddly and not terribly offensive to most people.
  3. The brand is memorable.

Answer 11844

I generally agree with Mowzer, but when I read the domain name ‘puppysky’, I immediately thought the side must have something to do with dogs.

Coming up with a good domain name is everything than easy, but it shouldn’t lead users to think of a different subject. If I was googling for a social platform and the domain name puppysky came up, I’d possibly not even look at it, since I’d assume it was a false search result. The domain name can be a completely made up name (think of kijiji for example), but Puppysky does lead one to think of puppies which your side has nothing to do with.

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