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How Can I validate new idea?

Editing the original question to meet this community rules:

How can I validate is it good idea for helping anyone to stay on track and convert goals to achievement? Also, any general idea about where I can find early customers?

Earlier question: Idea is to help user create, share, track and achieve goals (Promises). Here are few features I’m thinking about:

  1. Create goal and share with friends/well wishers as promise card
  2. Friends / well wishers would be able to encourage by responding to
    promise card within the app
  3. App will send daily motivation, articles, images customized for the goal
  4. User would be able to track the progress
  5. User will get points for achieving goal, sharing goals and if someone copies their goal
  6. Promise cards will be two types – Shared personally with you, shared publicly by community

Revenue model thinking about two options:

  1. Subscription for advanced features (yet to identify)
  2. Additional features for reward points gathered by user and have option to buy more points for those features

Looking for feedback on below two points and any other general feedback? (NOTE: These are the main points I am trying to validate. Can you give me suggestions on rewording/asking them, who to target to, how I can go about getting feedback on questions like these, etc?)

SAMPLE Questions I would be needing feedback on:

  1. What do you think about name for the app – “Promise”. It’s like Make the promise, keep promise!
  2. Revenue model

Answer 11787

It’s a good idea! As far as revenue model goes, you need to have a better clarity on the target group. Miguel, clearly identified that the same thing is available in many other places. I can see this after some tweaking being useful to memory challenged adults, children, and educators. Each group requires a different sale/revenue scheme.

Answer 11775

  1. This post should be flagged as it’s hardly a question (am I doing this right?)

  2. The general idea behind this all is far too simple, unless there are some great ideas you haven’t shared with us. I suggest going back to the drawing board and doing some serious brainstorming, either to get a better idea or to improve this one into something new to the market.

  3. The only possible revenue model here should be free as it’s a service you can find for free in multiple places. Monetize it with ads once you got a sizable user base and try to add a lot of side features to make it more useful.

Hope that helps.

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