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What is considered a “ Startup community”

I was given the task to promote a new start up within the “Startup communities”. As SRDC 2 writes in the comments, I need to promote the start up wherever I can. I was given the term “Startup community” and told to run with the ball. I am trying to identify where I would want to do this. I am aware of Kickstarter. I do not consider it a community. Perhaps I am wrong. Can anyone define what a “Startup community” is and what sites fall under that title?

I hope that this is no longer considered a vague off topic question. It’s coming from a newbe who is trying to tread in unfamiliar waters.


Answer 11715

Well, briefly think about the general concept of community.

What is a community? (Wikipedia)

Community is commonly considered a social unit that share something in common, such as norms, values, identity and place where they are located in a certain geographic area, it can be in villages, neighborhoods or cities.

Now, just carry the “something in common” for startup deals!

Answer 12236

I strongly suggest that you read the book Startup Communities by Brad Feld … it came out last year and is pretty much the latest definitive work on modern startup communities. And googling will bring up a lot of blogs and websites that summarize the concepts and tell more about the techniques and success stories.

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