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Should I start with a Facebook page or a website?

I have been thinking of a online tutor finding app in Pakistan for a long time. I thought of creating a web application, mobile app but recently I realized people do not adopt web applications and apps very easily in Pakistan. An interesting fact that I learned is 25 million of Pakistani people are on Facebook and Facebook is a site most people use everyday so I am thinking if I should start a Facebook page and create a student, tutor matching system using a Facebook app. This would be a great example of leveraging an already built platform to create mine. Please suggest.

Answer 11635

It seems to me like you’ve already got the answer.

Facebook is easier to adapt to, when people are already on Facebook, and don’t have to navigate away. It’s also cheaper to start with a Facebook page/group for your enterprise :)

You can market it inside Facebook, without having to route people away and through your page users.

However you should start a small (even static) website to back up your solution for future growth and to start building your wider online presence with some history.

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