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Quora researching - must have skill for Web Developer?

Do you think that Quora researching is a must have skill for web developer working at startup? I’m working for small startup and I’m something like Junior Web Developer, when I started working here I thought that this job would be like coding new things, repairing not working things, etc., but instead of it half of my work time is writing email templates and researching Quora for interesting questions about soccer ( startup is about it ), then send them to my boss and he will answer them. Is it normal?

Answer 11545

My first job was with a start-up. The boss memorably said, “If what the business needs most now is clean bathrooms, I’m going to fetch a mop.” He lived that out, and so did I.

There are lots of jobs out there where all you have to care about is your role. But in startups, it’s unlikely that is a viable way of working until you’re at least 30 people.

It’s also true of most startups I know that everyone feels empowered to push back, if the reason is the good of the company. If what you should be doing is on the critical path to keeping a promise made to a customer, query “priority” tasks that distract you. But if what everyone needs most urgently is the service and the team to build a deep appreciation of soccer, be grateful that in five years, the new hires will be hanging on your every word as you tell them how, back in the day, your Quora research skills were part of what made the company preeminent in the industry.

Answer 11556

I could see Stack Overflow being a requirement :P

But in all seriousness, I agree that in the environment of a startup, there should be less expectation of specialization; less expectation of going to work, doing “your part,” and going home. That will come later. For now it seems they are delegating some of the web marketing needs to you, which makes sense. It may drive customers to your website.

Ideally, in a startup environment people see themselves as ambassadors of the brand/vision first and foremost, and their skills are a contribution to the vision. Basically you want to see yourself not as a web developer working at a soccer company, but as a as a soccer person who happens to do the web developing too.

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