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Publish app in China

if I want to publish app in China (complete free, without any in-app purchases), are there any legal issues?

I read that you need resident ID card (person) or local branch office (company) to publish apps in China, is it right?

Answer 11476

Because the Chinese government maintains iron-fisted control over Internet service throughout the country, there are some real requirements you have to meet in order to get your app published.

Here's an discussion forum from about apps in China which I think would be helpful for you to read, since it seems to give some good insight into what's required and how to go about it.

Answer 12687

you can publish your app under other’s account.

We can do it for you.

There are more than 200 Android app store in China and Google play is only a small fish. For iOS, almost the same like other countries.

Answer 12690

ID card is required by third-party Application Market, company info is optional or not strict. About Android APP:as you known, Google is not accessible in China without VPN, so Google Play is not recommended. But there are other third-party Application Market(Xiaomi, Baidu, Tencent, Qihu360 all have their own Market).For example, Xiaomi Application Store, here is its tutorial.

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