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Is there any online place where I can find users to validate my idea?

I am learning to create something truly useful and I am having difficulty in finding people who can test my idea. Is there any online place where I can validate my beta version.

Answer 11554

There is an app called “Flare” that may be of use. Business ideas can be presented and rated, given feedback, etc. Apparently you can connect with potential collaborators, investors, and so on.

I have only used the app occasionally to browse through ideas. I haven’t posted an idea or used any of the other advertised features. But check it out, at least on the surface it seems it could be helpful for validation of ideas and maybe more.

Answer 11374

As @Denis suggested, there's always, but it isn't free, so it is not an option if you aren't willing to spend money on testing.

Another option to consider is reaching out to your friends and connections on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to ask if they'd be willing to help out with your testing.

I should ask, are you looking for people to tell you if your idea's a good one, or do you have an actual product/website to have them test? If you're asking them to try your product/service, maybe you could offer some kind of incentive to them, such as a free product or free use of your site/service for some period of time in exchange for their feedback.

It's sometimes better to start testing with people you know and who know you, since they have a better knowledge of how to give you constructive criticism, which can be tough to take from strangers who can tend to be a bit abrasive when they find flaws with something.

It isn't easy to build a network of testers, but well worth the time and effort before launching your business. After all, the saying "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" is very true!

Answer 11572

There is a subreddit on Reddit called first100 its not too bad, the goal is to it get you to the first 100 users and that is a good way to validate an idea. Use those first 100 to see if they are willing to pay for what you are selling.

I can see how people can get creative with this...

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