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Should be avoided the comparison of services in landing page headline?

What I mean is, You have a startup that makes something. Then, to facilitate the understanding you compare your service to something well known.


Well, you know, this type of sentences. For me this seems a pretty effective way of reduce noise in first stage of a service. What do you think? It’s an effective strategy or not?

Answer 11346

It’s tricky making subjective claims about competitors on your website. There are ethical, legal and practical considerations. But sometimes, the only way to establish quickly what market you’re in is to name check the big guys - and communicate your distinctive value proposition, positioned against the incumbents.

Approaches that can work include:

  1. Feature set comparisons listing major features, and being super careful to represent the market leaders fairly!

  2. Individual feature comparisons choosing something (e.g. Storage included with free account, or Price per month of lowest paid plan)

  3. Quoting customer testimonials - an individual can make a subjective claim based on their own personal experience

  4. Quoting blogger reviews of your product mentioning the established competition

  5. Quoting category reviews (you know the kind of thing, 20 top choices for folder sharing, 2016)

The stronger your claim, the more likely it is to be challenged. You may want to obtain qualified advice on anything you want to use, and how best to use disclaimers (in legalese, or plain terms like “Comparisons based on prices listed on XYZ website on M/N/O date).

Answer 11348

Several things which come to my mind:

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