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Should I always have a ‘Jobs’ page on my site?

I’m a startup in hosting and currently not interested in hiring staff, so I wouldn’t need a ‘Jobs’ page. However, IMO sites with a ‘Jobs’ page seem more legit.

So should I put up a ‘Jobs’ page even though I have no jobs available?

Answer 1136

Just because you don’t have any jobs at the moment, doesn’t mean that you won’t in the future, and that you cannot put up a framework already. Many companies have job pages which are location they can place jobs as they become available.

you’re right in saying that it seems more ‘legit’, and I would offer a few key points.

1.Be tactful in how you say you aren’t hiring on you jobs page. Perhaps you’ll want a message that says something to the effect of “we aren’t currently hiring” and encourage them to check back later.

2.Model it after the rest of the site. A common theme promotes recognition of the website, and allows the user to begin to familiarize that style with your company.In this instance, its a good thing that you have a jobs page since it allows the user to associate more with your site’s style.

3.Lastly when you do begin hiring, be sure to post it there. Don’t circumvent the very system you put in place.

So, in short, yes its just fine to have an empty jobs page.

Answer 1140

You’re coming at the question from the wrong end.

Hosting is a super competitive market. So presumably you’re trying to position yourself in a distinctive way.

So sure, have a “Jobs” page. And on it, think of how to tell a story in two or three paragraphs about how that differentiation goes through the company, that starts with words something like these:

There are no open positions at the moment, but we’re always interested to hear from skilled engineers who share our values…

Answer 1134

You have two options, be real, or be what you expect is expected.

I suggest being real, since it’ll become clear pretty quickly who you are and who you are not, and most people don’t like to be suprised.

So, more directly stated, unless you’re hiring, do not claim to be hiring.

Answer 1135

Having a “Jobs” page when you are not interested in hiring staff, to me, would make you less legit than not having a “Jobs” page. I don’t know what industry you are in, but in my line of business (software development) there are lots of indie studios with great reputations that consist of 1 or 2 people, no plans to expand and definitely no “Jobs” page.

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