Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Obatining Licensing agreement from another company

I have a game idea which I wish to pursue as a new start up company, however the fundamentals of the game depend on the use of a music groups assets (music, brand, etc.). After contacting the musicians I was informed to submit my inquiry to a record label who works out their licensing. It has been a week since I have inquired about a licensing agreement, and have yet to receive any response from the record label.

My question is what plans of action should I take to facilitate a response from them? Is there some other method which I could use to get permission if they do not respond?

Unfortunately I would like to withhold working on the project until I can further an agreement so that I do not waste time/effort on a possible un-releasable product.

The record label company and myself reside in Canada.

Answer 11158

It has been a week since I have inquired about a licensing agreement, and have yet to receive any response from the record label.

People are busy and don’t always reply back immediately (if ever) when they receive enquiries that they think will waste their time.

And to be blunt, you probably are a waste of their time unless you’ve serious money to spend. The music business is one where asking for $10k to perform a song in public is not unheard of.

what plans of action should I take to facilitate a response from them?

Follow-up as many times as necessary. This is cold outreach, so three tips:

  1. Ask for an introduction if you can get one, and follow up at least a half dozen times.

  2. Be sure to spell out that you’d like to have money to spend and mean business.

  3. Send a break-up email before abandoning.

Is there some other method which I could use to get permission if they do not respond?


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