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Where do I find potential customers to talk about my idea?

I have an idea of a website the client submits his website url and pays $5. 4 quality assurance engineers review his website and provide 13 tips each reviewer to improve the site. In total the person gets 52 quality assurance tips for $5. I want to talk to customers about the idea and make sure people are going to pay for this service. Where can I find the clients?


Answer 11074


I mean, your idea makes sense and I would suggest you to pursuit it to see where it goes..

But believe me when I say that from your first customers to fully viral is a looong way.

You will have to prospect (hunt) your first (hundred) customers!

Take Salesforce for instance.

Everyone knows them right? They "don't need" to go after customers anymore. Customers comes after them.

But it took years of prospecting and cold-calling customers by their CEO in order to make the company take off.

Heck, it even involved fake protest against Oracle!

So, finish your first version and then change your hat from "developer" to "sales rep" and contact some websites on Google.

I know 99% of programmers would rather die than making a cold call but this will make wonders for you, your product and your company - it will bring tons of ideas and, who knows, MONEY.

Answer 11077

You can go to hacker news' show section and talk with creators/owners directly. A few suggestions:

1- Always try to ask open ended questions. Yes / No answers does not provide optimal value.

2- Try to learn how they are handling the quality assurance, and what kind of problems they are facing. Be open to pivoting, listen what they need and think if you can build that.

3- Do not name the price. Try to understand how much of a value will be created from your service and price it accordingly. Try to understand how much the consumer would pay for such a service.

4- Do not direct the conversation, let them explain their concerns and problems.

Answer 11073

The Best possible way to find People(clients and employees) your looking are available at, There are lots of ways to project your idea and bid individuals.

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