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What should I call myself as a business?

A lot of people call themselves CEO, President, etc. I feel like those are too formal for my business. I feel like Owner is too informal. Anyways, I own a local digital marketing business.

I am a sole proprietor. Any ideas on what I should call myself?

Answer 11058

Titles only really matter for a few formal situations. For example, some laws might require “an officer” to sign a corporate agreement. Other laws might require a corporation to report people in certain corporate roles yearly. In those rare circumstances, you need to maintain the required title(s). Other than that, titles are mainly used to stroke people’s egos. They are also often used as an employment incentive because they cost companies nothing to give out but are valued highly by employees.

It sounds like you are in a creative field which gives you the freedom to have fun with your titles. You can call yourself Chief Marketing Guru, The Boss, Social Media Champion, Marketing Expert, or anything else you come up with. Don’t feel the need to model yourself after some large corporation. It’s your business so you set the rules. Find something comfortable and go with it.

BTW, thank you for your service.

Answer 11089

My business cards and all other customer facing documentation identify as “Senior Solutions Architect/Engineer”. For all my formal corporate ‘officer required’ items I am the CEO.

I have found that putting Owner, President, CEO, etc. in front of customers directly seems to form unwarranted expectations about additional services they may receive in favor of other customers.

Answer 11059

I would like to say, Call yourself as a Director or an Artist, Bcoz, it’s your vision, hunger, and passion that drives your business. recognition, title’s and rewards doest lasts longer for entrepreneurs.

@Anonymous nice answer

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