Startups Stack Exchange Archive

My company designed and developed a custom website for a company. They decided to go with a new web company and the new web company rebuilt the website but used the same design and original artwork from us. They now claim they designed the website. What legal recourse do we have to change this?

Answer 11046

While you might have some recourse and potential claims in theory, you’ve very little recourse in practice - not of the kind that wouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg, and a lot more energy than you might be willing to pour into this. So off the bat, better get over it and move on, really.

In the future, have a contract in place. If you had one, you’d know what to do next and know ahead of time which lawyer would file a claim on your behalf, so I’m assuming you don’t have any.

Oh, and also take a moment to watch this wonderful video by Mike Monteiro. It gives fairly valuable advice on how to get paid for the work that you do

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