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Trademark Statement of Use: is a specimen for each product or service required, or a single specimen per class suffices?

I have filed a trademark on USPTO and succesfully got the Notice of Allowance on four categories.

I have asked for a few products and services on each category, and now it’s time to file the Statement of Use and I’m confused if I’ll have to provide a specimen demonstrating the use in commerce for each product/service or just one per class does it.

Any idea?

Answer 11143

After taking my chances in the forms, I found out that indeed, either you’re supposed to upload a specimen of each single product/service or you should file a Request to Divide or delete the product/service from the class.

Edit: indeed, the best strategy (and it worked for me) is to remove all products/services you don’t have specimens for. It has no cost. Then you submit for all others you have.

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