Startups Stack Exchange Archive

What is a Pitch Deck?

I often come across the term pitch deck when looking for information on building a start up. What is a pitch deck? How is it useful?

Answer 1021

A pitch deck is a set of slides used for your presentation when presenting your startup to prospective investors.

The slides add visuals to your presentation and highlight key points.

When I did door to door sales, I had a binder full of images that went along with my presentation highlighting features of the service I was selling. Perhaps you've experienced something like that - if so, you know how it can be useful in a presentation.

Or perhaps you've seen a good speaker user a powerpoint presentation - often these are done poorly (i.e. it's simply text that says the same thing the presenter is saying and adds no value... other than to help the presenter remember where he is in his speech), but if you've seen someone do it well, again, you'll have seen how this can be leveraged (if you haven't, go watch videos of some of the big tech announcements and see how they use slides in their presentations then think - "What did they do well, and how can I apply it to pitching my startup?").

Some of the key points and graphics you'll want in a pitch deck will cover:

Check out this site for some sample pitch decks (no comment on the quality of the decks, I honestly haven't looked at very many of them, but it seems like a quality resource for someone trying to learn about the topic)

Answer 1022

Pitch deck is just a term for a slideshow used for presenting a startup to prospective investors.

Answer 11387

Pitch deck is a presentation startup shows to investors to get investments. If you want so more info you can find it here. And here it is the collection of pitch deck's examples so you can see what pitch deck is.

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