, contraceptives
, emergency-pill
What are the changes to the menstrual cycle caused by taking the emergency contraceptive pill?
Is it possible for it to hasten the menstrual cycle?
Are there any other important changes?
To further make clearer this question:
A friend from my job told me once she had used a emergency contraceptive pill to prevent a pregnancy and two days later her period happened (when it should have happened about 13 days later). About a year later she went to the beach and remembering that it happened before took again such pill hoping to repeat such situation before going to her vacations in order to be more comfortable during her travel.
And i would like to ask about the main changes to know if such situation is possible; but also i think that as part of this site it would be good to have it as an answer because sooner or later the “contraceptive pill effects” would appear as a question.
The emergency contraceptive pill works by massively overdosing the body’s hormone balance to try to induce a period and thus preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.
While this does induce a period, because of the massive hormone load the emergency pill contains, I’d personally think taking it just to induce a period is a Bad Idea; a better plan would be to run two packs of the regular contraceptive pill together to avoid a period entirely, or look at other options for preventing a period such as hormonal injections. These will be far less disruptive to the body’s normal hormone balance.
(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, talking to your doc is probably a Good Idea.)
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