Sexuality Stack Exchange Archive

Are there any harmful side-effects to ingesting spermicidal lubricant?

In situations where a condom with spermicidal lubricant is used and the intercourse does not end after the condom is used, there are opportunities for the spermicidal lubricant to be consumed.

Aside from being potentially unpleasant, are there any known side-effects or harmful long term effects from ingesting spermicide from lubricant?

Answer 65

The most common spermicide is nonoxynol-9, so I’ll address that.

According to the Lifestyles Condom FAQs, which does not cite any sources, but comes from a reputable company:

Neither the two lubricant bases, silicone and mono-propylene glycol, nor the spermicide nonoxynol-9 itself are harmful if ingested in the small amounts present on a condom.

And according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which I would take as authoritative:


If there are no hazards or symptoms, and the worst you have to do is rinse your mouth, I would take that to mean pretty conclusively that, in any quantity you would be likely to ingest incidentally, there’s nothing to worry about.

Answer 61

Small amounts of spermicidal is perfectly fine so I would probably suggest taking a quick wipe with a towel of the part being orally stimulated before if there is a noticeable coating, besides that you should of course not drink the stuff (if bought separate) or unroll and lick on a whole bunch of condoms in a row.

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