Sexuality Stack Exchange Archive

How can a guy experience multiple orgasms?

It is widely known that females can achieve multiple orgasms in a short period of time. It is less known that males are also said to be able to do the same.

What should one do in order to experience multiple orgasms as a guy?

Answer 49

While each person's sexual response is different, males tend to need a break called a "refractory period" averaging 1/2 an hour, while most women are able to continue to enjoy sex after the first orgasm (barring soreness).

There's a book that offers to teach men to have multiple orgasms, entitled The Multi-Orgasmic Man.

Answer 67

My understanding from reading a book* on ESO (Extended Sexual Orgasm) is that orgasm and ejaculation are separate events, although they usually occur together. You can separate them. I’ve experienced once or twice. However, if you’re doing this for pleasure (why else ?) I'd recommend instead trying for an Extended Sexual Orgasm. It feels way better. Imagine a 5 minute orgasm. (Also I find orgasm without ejaculation much less pleasurable. Sort of like eating delicious food but not swallowing it.).

If you’d like to work on having an ESO, here are a few tips. (I will say this is much easier with a partner because the trick is to not get too aroused. So with a partner it’s nice and intimate. With masturbation it gets boring (or you cross the point of no return. *Imagine a graph of your arousal level over time. Normally it rises sharply and you have an orgasm. But if you can go very very slowly the arousal rises slowly and everything, including the orgasm gets stretched out.

*(I don’t see it on Amazon, but there are many on “ESO”)

Answer 128

In my experience, the refractory period can be significantly shortened (for a male) by cutting off the flow of the ejaculation and minimizing its volume. This can be done by either squeezing the base of the penis, or by putting pressure on the perineum (just behind the scrotum), or by tensing the Kegel muscles.

This way the refractory period may be shortened to just a couple of minutes, or sometimes be eliminated altogether.

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