, psychology
, freud
I remember hearing a while back that Freud had a number of theories about the origins of a persons fetishes. However, I also know that while Freud made a number of good contributions to the world of psychology, he was also a perverted old man at times (dream interpretations). Is there any modern understanding for the psychological (or heck, who knows, biological, genetic, etc.) origins of a person’s fetishes?
If so, listing some readings on the material I feel would be very interesting.
Short answer is nobody knows. Human psychology is such a complex subject, and we know so little that any discussion on the cause of fetishes is basically guess work. Their have been links suggested between childhood experiences and fetishes but there is no substantial evidence (to my knowledge) to back up that claim.
Sigmund Freud thought that children played with there food because they were thinking about playing with feces and that just about everything reminds everyone of a penis, probably according to Freud a square is just mans way of representing a short wide penis. Freud also thought that everyone had a kinky sexual thing going on with there mother so seemingly Freud does demonstrate projection by example.
Science is important. Psychology, study of the mind, is important. Sigmund is not.
Make sure you read at least a little about this topic elsewhere.
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