, toys
How can you warm a Tenga Masturbator? There was for a brief period a warming item available but you can’t buy that in the UK any longer (to my knowledge). I have tried bathing the device in warm water; that feels nice but soon cools to room temperature.
The Tenga Hole Warmer is still available from the same site you linked to.
Barring the availability of that item you can ask at a local brick-and-mortar "sex shop" (if you have one in your area) to see if they have something similar that they know works with the Tenga.
You might be able to get a similar sensation with a "warming" lubricant like K-Y Warming Liquid (or Jelly if you prefer).
If a warming lubricant doesn't work for you and the "Tenga Hole Warmer" isn't available you may have another option, though I would not recommend this: Looking at the product description the Tenga Hole Warmer seems to be a snap-activated exothermic device (fancy way of saying it's bascally a glowstick that gets hot instead of lighting up). You may be able to achieve similar results using other chemical heating devices (like hand warmers).
I have never tried using another kind of heating device (I don't own a Tenga). It is possible that other heating devices may create unsafe temperatures and cause serious injury. It will definitely void any kind of warranty on the Tenga.
TEST EXTENSIVELY (use a toy to compress the material inside the Tenga, let the heating device warm up to its hottest point, and then feel the inside with your fingers to ensure it is at a safe temperature with no major "hot spots" before putting anything more sensitive in there) and be prepared to stop using the device in a hurry if you experience any discomfort.</p> </blockquote> --- All content is licensed under [CC BY-SA 3.0](