, sperm
, testicles
, scrotum
, heat
As Yossi Vardi called it, “local warming” is a term meaning overheating of testicles by for example putting laptops over one’s lap an using it for an extended period of time.
As we all know, in order to produce sperm the testicles need to be kept cooler than one’s internal body heat. If they are kept at a higher temperature, one’s sperm count goes down. Being frequently exposed to local warming, I am wondering if this effect is temporary, or more permanent? For example, if one was to overheat one’s testicles for a long amount of time and later stop, will the sperm count go back to normal, or be in some way hampered for life?
Unless severely increase in temperature for a long time (scalding your testicles for a long time?) the effect is very temporary.
A natural heat-based male contraceptive method is based on this fact and is in short term fully reversible. There seems to be very few, if any, studies done on the long term effects tho.
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