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What does female ejaculate contain?

I have read a lot of texts about female ejaculation but I have yet to find any conclusion on what the fluid is, where it comes from and what function it has. So my question is: What does the latest studies tell us about female ejaculation?

Answer 127

According to an author of a book on female orgasms, it's similar to male ejaculate, except of course without sperm:

"Female ejaculate, like male ejaculate, is prostatic fluid, mixed with some glucose and trace amounts of urine, minus the sperm," says Deborah Sundahl, author of Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot: Not Your Mother's Orgasm Book! (Hunter House Publishers).

Quote taken from a Savage Love column on the subject. As far as I can tell, Sundahl's work is substantially more authoritative than Wikipedia at this point.

As for function, I don't know, but I'd keep in mind that there doesn't have to be an answer; it could simply be mirroring male physiology. (Why do men have nipples?)

Answer 63

Well, according to wikipedia, it's not urine.

Unfortunatly, mainly due to a poor scientific corpus, exact nature of emitted fluid is yet unknown.

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